New in CambridgeBRINGING “LIVE” ENTERTAINMENT TO YOUFri June 5, 2020An assortment of virtual events fill Cambridge’s entertainment calendar.CAMBRIDGE NIXES CABIN FEVERFri May 15, 2020Beat cabin fever with Cambridge’s virtual tours of museums, art galleries, scenic nature spots and historical associations through COVID-19. MOTHER'S DAY, NO MATTER WHATFri May 1, 2020Safe Mother’s Day plans made easy!CAMBRIDGE SENDS ITS LOVEWed Apr 8, 2020#LoveFromCambridge campaign brings hope through COVID-19. Cambridge hotels and museums use hearts with lights and reds.CAMBRIDGE’S HOLIDAY SPIRIT PERSISTSWed Apr 1, 2020Easter and Passover 2020 at bakeries, cafes, ice cream shops in Cambridge: Tatte, J.P. Licks, EHChocolatier, Cardullo's.SERVING UP HOPE FOR RESTAURANT STAFFWed Mar 18, 2020Restaurant gift cards during COVID-19 in Cambridge MA, to help support local eatery staff and small businessUPDATES ON COVID-19Mon Mar 16, 2020COVID-19 updates by the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts.CAMBRIDGE AND THE “FOODIE OSCARS”Mon Mar 9, 2020James Beard Awards will be held May 2020 for award-winning restaurants, chefs in Cambridge, MA. The Foodie Oscars.PAINTING THE TOWN GREENFri Feb 28, 2020Irish Luck, Irish Food, Irish Music, with St. Patrick's Day, 2020 in Cambridge MA; Harvard Square, Inman Square. DINE OUT WEEK IN CAMBRIDGEFri Feb 21, 202020 Cambridge Restaurants in Dine Out Week 2020, inclusive of EVOO, Harvest, Grafton Street Pub, Tallula, Viale, ToscanoNewer EntriesOlder Entries