Reborn: Musical Innovations with the Bigelow Chapel Organ Pipes
Join 2023-2024 Artist-in-Residence Eden Rayz, a Boston-based composer, cellist, and vocalist, for a death-aware musical performance that celebrates the 100th Anniversary homecoming of the Bigelow Chapel pipe organ after it was decommissioned by Mount Auburn and reformed by Eden as a new multi-component instrument called Argent and Sable. Performed alongside the cello with vocals, electronics, and percussionist Austin Birdy, Eden's original compositions, "Aboriginal Sensible Muchness" and the world-premier of "Lux Aeterna" ("Eternal Light") will explore collective grief, reinvention, ritual, and the abstraction of time.
Attendees are encouraged to listen, meditate, and even participate as vocalists (no experience necessary). The one-hour performance will be recorded live, and attendees may pre-order Eden's limited-release album, The Cemetery Tapes, at the event with an exclusive QR code. Register for the 1pm performance or 6pm performance, both Saturday, May 18.